Your donation allows us to provide services to children and families across California
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Donate online through Paypal today.
Donating in memory of a loved one?
Please specify who by sending a message with your donation through PayPal.
Donate Today!
If you prefer to mail in your donation, please download the donation form and mail to: Friends Outside, P.O. Box 4085, Stockton, CA 95204
Support a Child of an Incarcerated Parent
Many people forget that when a parent is incarcerated, the time they do on the inside is also done by their children. Life changes when your parent is incarcerated. Studies have shown that kids need to stay connected to their parents for health and mental health reasons. Family finances change as well. Children still need school supplies, clothing, food, etc. Making a donation to this fund allows us to assist children and families of incarcerated parents with the needs for daily living missing as a result of incarceration. Please donate today!
Donation Form Donate by PayPal
Holiday Wish Program
Holidays are about family, happy memories and hope for the future.
We will match you with a child(ren) and provide you with their wish list, upon receipt of this form. Holiday Wish Program Sponsor Form
You can donate to this program and our other programs benefiting children of incarcerated parents.
Donate Today!
Stay Informed
Friends Outside shares a monthly newsletter that offers practical information for those impacted by the justice system, organizational updates, and information we believe our supporters would be interested in. To sign up, please click here.
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Archived Newsletters
Join the Board of Directors
If you are invested in our mission and have a special skill or resource that may benefit the agency, consider joining our Board of Directors!
We are currently looking for potential board members with experience or background with non-profits in fundraising, finances, or Human Resources. We also need local community support in the San Joaquin County area.
Board meetings are held the 4th Thursday of the month in Stockton and occasional video participation can be arranged. Board members commit to a 3 year term. Other responsibilities are outlined in the Board Member Responsibilities link.
If you are interested in being a part of Friends Outside, email or call Michael Sorensen at (209) 955-0701.
BOD Responsibilities
We can work with you to create the arrangements that best meet your philanthropic intentions and your financial situation.